Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Hey guys, what's up? I've been meaning to write on here but Tumblr is extremely addicting. For all the Directioners out there, I hope you are not still crying over Little Things because I am. Anyway, I still have 3 more days of holidays yay! :) I spent half my free time on Tumblr (it recently had a melt down because of Little Things and it was just hilarious and extremely emotional) and the other half reading "The Throne of Fire" by Rick Riordan which you all know is one of my favorite authors. The book is really good and I'm getting really into it so I set my self a goal, I have to finish it in 9 days and that leaves me 3 more days to finish it (i'll let you know how it goes ;) The other half (quarter??) of my holidays was spent watching Modern Family with my sister, i am totally loving that series too bad i didn't listen to my sis when she told me to watch it sooner! ;) Reminds me I still have a Sketchbook project due next week, probably should get started with that... I chose a theme tho: The Medici Family. I'll talk about it more on another post and post some pics of the drawings (when I get started and I dunno when that's gonna happen) Shouout to... ED SHEERAN for writing the most beautiful song in the whole entire universe! i love youuu so much :* ( if you don't know the song I'm talking about: Little Things sang by One Direction written be Ed ) until next post, matilde :) p.s I apologize for the craziness of this post.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Get well soon Malala

"I have a new dream . . . I must be a politician to save this country. There are so many crises in our country. I want to remove these crises." —Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai is a 14 year old girl, from Pakistan. She believes in woman's right and education. When she was 11 years old she started her own blog for the BBC talking about her life under the Taliban regime. Malala won the first Pakistan National Youth Peace Prize and was nominated for the International Children Peace Prize. Malala was attacked by a Taliban gunman and shot in the head. She is now under treatment in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham in the UK. I hope Malala will recover soon, and continue to pursue her dreams of helping her country.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I'm sorry Venezuela :(

I may not know much about politics but for MANY reasons I don't like our current president, I am truly sad that Capriles didn't make it to the presidency. All we can do now is hope. Thank you Capriles, for giving hope to a country without any. We love you flaco. Matilde, xx

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Just wanted to say that I've been meaning to write in my blog, but I'm extremely busy with school right now, I only have one more day to study for my Math and Arabic test, plus I have to finish all my homework :p Enjoy the random picture of Zayn Malik :) byee now, Matilde xx